This command allows you to combine two separate surfaces, which match exactly along one edge, into one, continuous surface. This operation uses the same command as the split surface operation described above. The command acts like a toggle or an on/off switch. When it is applied to an internal row or column of a surface, the command splits the surface into two surfaces at the picked row or column. When it is applied to a common edge between two surfaces, the command joins the two surfaces into one, smooth and continuous surface.
To join two surfaces together:
1. Select the Surf-Cvt Row/Col Knuckle command.
2. Position the cursor over the common surface edge row or column that you wish to use as the join curve and click the left mouse button.
3. Repeat step 2 as many times as you want. The Cvt Row/Col Knuckle command will stay active or current until you select another command.
Note 1: The two surfaces MUST match up exactly, point for point, along the picked boundary curve. The common edge need not be “bonded”.
Note 2: If the two surfaces do not match up, you can use the Edit-Match Point-3D Match or the Edit-Merge Pnt-To-Pnt command to connect the common edge points of two separate surfaces. The two surfaces must match up point for point all along their common edge. Otherwise, this command is mathematically impossible.